Step into your power and unleash your full potential as a female business owner!

How I can help you...


This amazing 12-week confidence-boosting package is here to help you crush self-doubt and sky-rocket your belief in yourself and your business.

Let's turn those dreams into reality


This simple 4-week package is here to give you a taste of how an individual session can start to impact you or your business.

The first step in changing your life!


Do you have huge plans for your business but just don’t know if you’re able to see them through?

Do you struggle to believe that success is possible for you?

Do you compare your progress to all the people you follow online?

Do you dread the moment you have to stand up and speak, when all eyes are on you?

Are you envious of people who can talk about their business with anyone they meet, without ever feeling embarrassed?

Have you always struggled with confidence and being seen?

You’re also short on time and don’t have hours and hours spare each day to work on yourself.

And you’re ready to commit to something that will change your life!

This 12-week programme is a life changing opportunity for anyone who has decided 2024 will be their year!

This is for you if you are ready to start sharing your passion for your business with confidence, you dream of networking with ease, you want to believe you already know enough to succeed (no more courses needed!), we can work out what’s holding you back, and resolve it once and for all!

This is not a pre-made or pre-recorded programme, you will work with me, one to one, every single time. Everything is tailored to your exact requirements, no two programmes will be the same.

If you would like to find out more, click below to arrange a free Discovery Call, where you can hear everything you need to know about this amazing opportunity.

The investment for this 12-week programme is currently £999 and includes a minimum of 5 1:1 sessions.


This simple, 4-week package is a great way to slowly introduce the changes you're looking for.

You will start to see the impact that a single session can have on yourself or your business, and build your confidence so that you are ready to progress to the next stage.

Again, this is not a pre-made or pre-recorded programme, you will work with me, one to one. Everything is tailored to your exact requirements.

If you would like to find out more, click below to arrange a free Discovery Call, where you can hear everything you need to know about this great introduction to personal growth.

The investment for this 4-week programme is currently £299

Payment Plans are available for all programmes shown, please click 'Find out more' to ask for the details.


What types of therapy will you experience?

Each client's therapy sessions are customized to their unique needs and experiences, ensuring that no two sessions are alike.

I specialise in three types of therapy: Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), Silent Counselling and BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT).

As a qualified Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Silent Counselling Practitioner and BWRT Practitioner, I am equipped to address a wide range of issues, including Confidence and Self-esteem issues, low Self-Worth, Fears & Phobias, Addiction, Weight Management, Anxiety and Depression.

BWRT® (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy)

‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI.

It’s a totally confidential method that does not require you to reveal your private information or personal secrets to your therapist and it is carried out in a completely conscious state.

It does not use hypnosis or any concepts that might be considered mystical or unscientific - it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and for it to succeed only needs you to know what you want to change in your life.

Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. Find out more at

RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy)

RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) is a powerful and effective technique developed over a 30 year period by Marisa Peer, that allows me to quickly get to the root of the issue, and work out the fastest way to free you from it permanently.

RTT reprograms your subconscious mind with powerful, positive beliefs, which help create new and beneficial behavioural patterns, leaving out-dated belief systems in the past. New life-affirming beliefs are formed, and the transformational process begins.

RTT combines the most effective principles of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to bring you the results you deserve.

Silent Counselling

Silent Counselling uses muscle testing, breath work & acupressure meridian points to release stagnant energy or emotional imprints in the body.

The body is home to our subconscious mind and it remembers everything on a cellular level, this is why it is important to get to the root cause of the issues, and release them once and for all.

If that energy remains trapped in our body, it can then later manifest to dis-ease or illness in the physical, or self-sabotage and procrastination in the mental, stopping us from manifesting our desires or moving forward in our day to day lives.

During Silent Counselling sessions, we do not need to talk about the cause of your emotional pain.

Some clients may not be willing or able to discuss them – or not even aware of the root causes of their difficulties.

I got great results, I highly recommend Sian.

She was really professional, I felt comfortable and confident going to her for help.

- CS, Essex


The 30 Day

Self-Discovery Challenge...

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the fearless entrepreneur within!

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